Želite prodati vaše plovilo? Želite kupiti preverjeno plovilo? Še vedno iščete pravega posrednika?
No lahko nehate iskati, ker ste našli pravega posrednika.
Čas je denar in v vsakem primeru, tako prodaje kakor nakupa si želimo hitrega posredovanja posla.
Vsako plovilo pregledamo, ga tržno ocenimo, oglašujemo, pozicioniramo v priznanih mednarodnih iskalnikih ter na koncu PRODAMO.
In kljub temu, da večino našega posla (83%) opravimo v tujini, tega ne boste opazili, saj cel postopek prodaje vodimo mi. Od začetne ponudbe pa vse do postopka izbrisa ter registracije.
Seveda vse kar izgleda enostavno, to v ozadju tudi ni. Vendar brez skrbi. Z vaše strani bo vse izgledalo enostavno.
Kliknite naš kontakt in preverite kaj lahko naredimo za vas.
"Izredno profesionalen in prijazen odnos do vseh vpletenih. Redek dokaz, da je mogoče tudi v teh čudnih časih združiti dve takšni vrlini.
Iskreno in toplo priporočam."
"I have been extremely pleased with the personal service from ADS Marine, delivered with a professional attitude. They are my first place to go to when I get my next boat."
"We had looked for a Gobbi 425Sc with D6 enignes for a year when we decided
to buy from Croatia / Slovenia . We sent an e-mail to Aleks from ADS Marine , that could tell us he had a
2007 Gobbi 425 for sale . One week later we met ADS Marine in Croatia, with the best impression. Aleks
and Marina, met us by the hotel and got us safe to the boat. We fell in love with the boat right away, all things where exactly like they told us . The whole experience with buying boat from ADS Marine was perfect!"
Our best recommadation for ADS Marine .
"Marina and Aleks, two exceptional and deeply passionate nautical people who will guide you with professionalism and competence to purchase the boat of your dreams!"
Marina ed Alex , due persone solari ed empatiche , disponibili ed orientate alla soluzione dei problemi nell'interesse sia del venditore che dell'acquirente, con grande professionalità .
Service efficace et cordial. Travail professionnel sérieux. Excellentes prestations
Effectful and friendly service. Professional job. Great achievement. . .
Did buy a boat through ADS in Punat. Service was great, fast and responsive. Working with Marina and Alex was a pleasure and high quality.
Ok, here we go! Alex, one of the two person team of brokers at ADS Marine, will give, and give, and give . . . , as long as you don't give up on Alex. From my experience, he sympathizes with buyer. Honestly, I could not have managed to go through my first boat purchase without his assistance in everything I needed. He always helps the purchaser, though you must endure his business armor. Even now, when I have a problem with my boat, my first thought is that I wish I could call Alex, because he has the contacts to get any kind of repair needed, and the repairs are done quickly, and at a good to great price. I can honestly say, I miss the guy, and have been very thankful to hav him on my side. His office was always open to me to print whatever I needed, and with the help of their wonderful secretary Nency, I was sure to get the support I required. Marina is the other broker at ADS, and she also gets all necessary necessary paperwork in order, processed, and finalized without any bumps in the road to your purchase. I thank you all three for helping this needy American. I can say this, if you are in doubt of trusting boat brokers, ADS can absolutely by trusted. There are a lot of boat buying horror stories out there, and if you want to avoid such a situation, call ADS, either to buy a boat, or, to get recommendation for a reliable broker closer to your purchase. I highly recommend first time buyers to use ADS, because they specialize in newbies like myself!!!
Excellent yacht broker, Aleks is very likeable and customer oriented.
We have very good experience with Alesk and Marina of ADS Marine. When we contacted ADS Marine in connection of a boat, Aleks reacted promptly; gave accurate answers and sent a lot of pictures of technical details. We saw the boat in a week, had sea trial another week water, closed the deal and took over the boat within one month from the first contact. Considering the significiant value of the purchase and finishing complex paperworks (Slovenian owner and registration, Croatian berthing, Hungarian buyer), it could be done only with efficiency rarely experienced. Moreover Aleks and Marina are very pleasant people, whom working with was a pleasure.
Great experience from the beginning to the end. I recommend their services to everyone who’s trying to find their dream boat. Marina and Aleks are lovely couple and the true pro brokers. They make tremendous effort to satisfy both parties and provide you with insightful advises. Lifelong experience in trade gives the client assurance of a solid investment. You can count on them, even after the completion of a deal. They’re always there for you. Sponsoring our boat cleaning... almost a year after the purchase was awesome.
Alex Marina z vama mi je bilo vedno z veseljem sodelovati upam da bomo lahko kaj v prihodnosti tudi skupnega prenovili in tako barkam dali nov in svež videz. Lep pozdrav Sandi ex GP tapetništvo aud Bayern(München)
Top! Comunicazione sempre puntuale e servizi ottimi!Super consigliato.
haben uns geholfen unseren traum zu verwirklichen
Ich habe dieses Jahr in Punat 1 Motoryacht gekauft und auch 1 Motoryacht über ADS Marine verkauft. Ich kann die beiden nur bestens empfehlen. Marina und Aleks und ihr Team sind absolute SPITZENKLASSE. Top Seriös und auch selbst Monate nach dem Kauf oder Verkauf immer da mit Ihrer Expertise und kümmern sich sofort, wenn ich etwas brauche oder Wissen muss. Also wirklich um alles auch nach dem Kauf. Der Verkauf dauerte gerade mal 3 Wochen. Alles wurde stets notariell abgesichert! Ich habe so einen klasse Service noch nie erlebt bei meinen vorherigen Yachtkäufen. Meine nächste Yacht kaufe ich auf alle Fälle wieder bei ADS Marine. Die Yachten wurden super vorher gecheckt. Alles wurde mir gezeigt und vorgeführt auch auf die Mängel haben Sie mich immer hingewiesen, aber auch wie die Lösungen aussehen! Sie haben sich stets vor allem neutral gezeigt und nie gedrängt. Top Vermittler! Danke Euch Marina, Nancy und Aleks!! und Grüße auch von meiner Frau Andrea!
Z družbo ADS marine sodelujem vrsto let, saj so bili moji posredniki pri prodaji in nabavi novih rabljenih plovil. G. Aleks in ga. Marina s sodelavci so ekspeditivni, korektni in so na razpolago vedno. Z njimi je lepo sodelovati.
Ekipo ADS marine priporočam vsem, ki želite nabavit oziroma prodati vaše plovilo.
Mojo izkušnjo s celotno ekipo ADS marine lahko strnem takole - profesionalnost, prijaznost, poštenost in izjemna odzivnost.
Toplo priporočam!
Professional and expert service. Very friendly and reliable staff. I recommend, Rating excellent 5/5
Ich möchte mich gerne für die kompetente und seriöse Durchführung meines Bootskaufs bei Aleks und Nency bedanken. Erich
Pa je priplula! Nova barka? Ne naša nova spletna stran. Ker se želimo približati našim kupcem, ker vam želimo v prihodnosti ponuditi najboljše in to kar najhitreje, ker potrebujemo spletno stran, ki bo vaše plovilo pozicionirala v iskalnikih kot so Google in Yahoo hitro in enostavno. Ker si vi zaslužite najboljše.
Odločili smo se za čisto drugačen pristop in izbrali podjetje za izdelavo spletnih strani NGN.si, ki ga priporoča Sicirus, naša marketing agencija. In rezultat je več kot odličen, odzivnost hitra in uporabniška izkušnja vrhunska.